The Rachel Bundy Story

Every law abiding citizen—particularly parents and the media—should be alarmed and outraged at the ridiculous criminal charges brought against the Bundy family by lame duck Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson... [Read Full Statement]

Take Action Now—What YOU Can Do!
Step 1: Get InformedGet Informed

Read the Full Story.

Read what the Rachel Bundy story means for you.
Step 2: DonateDonate

Donate money to help the Bundys pay legal fees
Step 3: Make Your Voice HeardMake Your Voice Heard

Ask the Utah County Attorney's Office to drop the senseless case against the Bundys:

   (801) 851-8026

THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED!! Preliminary Hearing, August 31st

This hearing has been cancelled but we will keep you posted on when the next one will be!

This is just a reminder about the "preliminary hearing" which is taking place on August 31st at 8:30 am. It is be in the same room it has previously been in which is Rm. 301. The address is:

125 North 100 West
Provo, UT 84601

Please take time out of your busy schedule to make an appearance and show your support. Terece needs it now more than ever!!