The Rachel Bundy Story

Every law abiding citizen—particularly parents and the media—should be alarmed and outraged at the ridiculous criminal charges brought against the Bundy family by lame duck Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson... [Read Full Statement]

Take Action Now—What YOU Can Do!
Step 1: Get InformedGet Informed

Read the Full Story.

Read what the Rachel Bundy story means for you.
Step 2: DonateDonate

Donate money to help the Bundys pay legal fees
Step 3: Make Your Voice HeardMake Your Voice Heard

Ask the Utah County Attorney's Office to drop the senseless case against the Bundys:

   (801) 851-8026

New Information About What Took Place at the July 5th Court Heaing

There have been some new developments to the Bundy's case. First of all, it means so much to the Bundy's that they are getting so much support. A big THANK YOU to all those who have taken the time to send letters and make phone calls. It has helped the Bundy's so much to know there are others who are willing to make their voices heard on their behalf.

Thank you to those who came and showed support for the July 5th court hearing. During it, Terece's lawyer, Steve Russell, asked the jugde for the "preliminary hearing." The prosecution seemed hesitant to set a date for the hearing but a date was set anyway for August 31st at 8:30 am. We will need support if other negotiations do not take place before that time.

Also, another big THANK YOU to those who have donated money to the Bundy's. They are so appreciative and grateful. It has meant so much to them that people are willing to reach into their pockets to help. Right now, the attorney fees have been covered but if they end up going trial, they will need an "expert witness" who could be $1000's more. This money is going ONLY to pay for legal fees they are currently accruing. We are in the process of setting up "The Rachel Bundy Foundation", where any money that has not been used for their case will be donated to those who are in similar situations and need financial help. So your help will not be in vain.

We can ONLY save our future freedoms by making a difference TODAY!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son was 21 days old and running a fever. I took him to the emergency room. They told me he was comming down with the flu.

I took him again the next day.

I took him the third day and it was then the Doctor on staff thougtht he might have Bacterial meningitis.

3 trips to the Emergency Room and it was the last Doctor that had any experience with Bactertial meningitis that diagnosed it.

My son almost died but 45 days later, my son came home.

That was 25 years ago. I will never forget the experience. If Doctors have a hard time diagnosing meningitis how is a " typical" mom suppose to?

Why is this case even entering the court system?

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a sad day when a good loving parent is accused of a horrendus crime, when the symptoms are those of the flu and it is hard to detect with out a spinal tap, i had one of those as an adult and it wasnt fun. This witch hunt needs to be stopped and who ever decided to prosecute needs to be held accountable for false accusations,and defimation of Chariture. Bundy Family my prayers are with you and I remember what a wonderful young lady you were growing up in Enterprise...

2:40 PM  

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