The Rachel Bundy Story

Every law abiding citizen—particularly parents and the media—should be alarmed and outraged at the ridiculous criminal charges brought against the Bundy family by lame duck Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson... [Read Full Statement]

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What the Rachel Bundy story means for you

Every law abiding citizen—particularly parents and the media—should be alarmed and outraged at the ridiculous criminal charges brought against the Bundy family by lame duck Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson. If Bryson is successful, he will set a dangerous precedence for all Utah families in general—because what happened to the Bundys could happen to you.

Every year thousands of good families suffer the loss of a child to bacterial meningitis. It is a very rare illness that can potentially kill a child within hours of contracting it. However, it is very difficult for parents and even doctors to detect.

The Bundy’s knew nothing about meningitis before their nine-year-old daughter, Rachel died from it. She was riding her horse and playing outside with her friends—like any normal child—just two days before she passed. The illness is hard to diagnose because it has the symptoms of a common cold or flu and the only way to positively identify it is through a spinal tap.

Terece Bundy R.N. is being charged with negligent homicide—according to Bryson—because she didn’t get Rachel to the doctor in time. These charges are outrageous. Had she known anything about the symptoms of this rare illness, she would have immediately taken her to the hospital—this is evident by the fact that when her flu-like symptoms worsened, she called for an ambulance. Rachel died on the way to the hospital.

Bryson has fabricated a criminal case against the Bundy’s and misinformed the public by manipulating the truth. His tactics have been somewhat effective, because until now, the Bundy’s have grieved their family’s loss in private. However, the facts will speak for themselves and the truth will come out at trial. Unfortunately, it will be on our dime and the tax payer’s dime, but not on Kay Bryson’s dime.

While there may be differing methodological opinions, one question should come to mind: Do you remember the last time your child had a cold and you decided to treat it with little bit of rest and a bowl of chicken soup? According to Bryson, you may have committed a crime.