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The Rachel Bundy Story
Every law abiding citizen—particularly parents and the media—should be alarmed and outraged at the ridiculous criminal charges brought against the Bundy family by lame duck Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson... [Read Full Statement]
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Watch Channel 5 news report here: http://www.ksl.com/?sid=342748&nid=148
Watch Channel 2 news report here: http://kutv.com/local/local_story_187124236.html
As you watch the news report above, it is a great portrayal of how the news does not have all the facts when reporting. No where in the article does it state the Terece had NO IDEA her daughter had bacterial meningitis. In fact, in order to stir up the audience they make it seem as if she did know and still did not treat her. The truth is that information is false. So as we read news article and watch news reports, let's make sure to have an open mind. Let's understand that sometimes there are presentations where some of the information is misconstrued and they may not know or could have been misinformed about the whole story.
Read the Daily Herald article here: http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/185375/4/
While reading this next article below, remember what you watched from the Channel 5 news report. Terece's lawyer states that he has also read all the information concerning the case and states that they DO NOT have enough evidence to win in court. So even though Donna Kelly says that she has seen all the evidence that none of us have seen and therefore feels justified to prosecute, there are others who have also read the same information and feel the prosecution does not have a leg to stand on.
Read the Deseret News article here: http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,640192572,00.html
Read the Salt Lake Tribune article here: http://www.sltrib.com/search/ci_4017592
Watch Channel 2 news report here: http://kutv.com/local/local_story_187124236.html
As you watch the news report above, it is a great portrayal of how the news does not have all the facts when reporting. No where in the article does it state the Terece had NO IDEA her daughter had bacterial meningitis. In fact, in order to stir up the audience they make it seem as if she did know and still did not treat her. The truth is that information is false. So as we read news article and watch news reports, let's make sure to have an open mind. Let's understand that sometimes there are presentations where some of the information is misconstrued and they may not know or could have been misinformed about the whole story.
Read the Daily Herald article here: http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/185375/4/
While reading this next article below, remember what you watched from the Channel 5 news report. Terece's lawyer states that he has also read all the information concerning the case and states that they DO NOT have enough evidence to win in court. So even though Donna Kelly says that she has seen all the evidence that none of us have seen and therefore feels justified to prosecute, there are others who have also read the same information and feel the prosecution does not have a leg to stand on.
Read the Deseret News article here: http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,640192572,00.html
Read the Salt Lake Tribune article here: http://www.sltrib.com/search/ci_4017592