The Rachel Bundy Story

Every law abiding citizen—particularly parents and the media—should be alarmed and outraged at the ridiculous criminal charges brought against the Bundy family by lame duck Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson... [Read Full Statement]

Take Action Now—What YOU Can Do!
Step 1: Get InformedGet Informed

Read the Full Story.

Read what the Rachel Bundy story means for you.
Step 2: DonateDonate

Donate money to help the Bundys pay legal fees
Step 3: Make Your Voice HeardMake Your Voice Heard

Ask the Utah County Attorney's Office to drop the senseless case against the Bundys:

   (801) 851-8026

June 25th, Daily Herald Article

Read the latest newspaper article here:,com_smf/topic,18770

New Information About What Took Place at the July 5th Court Heaing

There have been some new developments to the Bundy's case. First of all, it means so much to the Bundy's that they are getting so much support. A big THANK YOU to all those who have taken the time to send letters and make phone calls. It has helped the Bundy's so much to know there are others who are willing to make their voices heard on their behalf.

Thank you to those who came and showed support for the July 5th court hearing. During it, Terece's lawyer, Steve Russell, asked the jugde for the "preliminary hearing." The prosecution seemed hesitant to set a date for the hearing but a date was set anyway for August 31st at 8:30 am. We will need support if other negotiations do not take place before that time.

Also, another big THANK YOU to those who have donated money to the Bundy's. They are so appreciative and grateful. It has meant so much to them that people are willing to reach into their pockets to help. Right now, the attorney fees have been covered but if they end up going trial, they will need an "expert witness" who could be $1000's more. This money is going ONLY to pay for legal fees they are currently accruing. We are in the process of setting up "The Rachel Bundy Foundation", where any money that has not been used for their case will be donated to those who are in similar situations and need financial help. So your help will not be in vain.

We can ONLY save our future freedoms by making a difference TODAY!!

Read the Latest Media Articles!

Thanks for ALL the support that the Bundy's received yesterday. We had a GREAT turn out. It meant so much to Terece and Dorian that there were so many people involved. They were SO appreciative that everyone who came was so willing to take the time out of their busy schedules to show their support and fight for our personal freedoms. We hope to see even more of you on July 5th at 8:30 am at the Provo Courthouse. Keep checking back for any updates that get posted. Read the latest media articles here:,4382,640187634,00.html?textfield=negligent+homicide

Let Your Voice Be Heard....Learn How

Flood the Utah County Attorney’s Office with our letters, faxes and phone calls expressing opinions that the charges be dropped against Terece. We need to send a strong message that the public will not stand for this sort of outrageous conduct anymore. Letters and faxes are especially effective as there is tangible evidence of the public’s opinions.

Utah County Attorney's Office Address, Phone, Fax
Utah County Administration Building
County Attorney’s Office ATTN: Donna Kelly

100 East Center Street, Suite 2100
Provo, UT 84606
Phone: 801-851-8026
Fax: 801-851-8051
Hours: 08:00 am - 05:00 pm Mon – Fri

On the letter/fax needs to be included: RE: Terece Bundy Charges
Springville Police Dept. Address, Phone, Fax
Springville Police ATTN: Sgt. Dave Foster

45 S Main St.
Springville, Utah 84663
Phone: (801)489-9421
Fax: 489-7726

It is totally optional, but many of the Bundy's friends and family have also felt the desire to contact the mayor of Springville City, the Governer, and our State Representatives.

Springville City Hall
50 South Main Street
Springville, UT 84663
(801) 489-2700
Fax: (801) 489-2709
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Email Springville Mayor:

Governer Office
Utah Governor's Office
Utah State Capitol Complex

East Office Building, Suite E220
PO Box 142220
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2220
Fax 801-538-1528
Lt. Governor's Fax 801-538-1557

Unfortunately, as the Bundy’s have been consulting with the professionals they have learned that they are only one of the many families that are being attacked in a very similar manner. We all know that the family is under attack in the world now days, but the Bundy’s never fathomed it would happen to them and they are appalled at how often this same sort of thing happens. Let’s realize that the time to take action is NOW, not just for the Bundy family, but for the many others out there suffering the effects of this sort of abuse.

The FULL Story

Rachel at playRachel Bundy had been sick on and off during the winter season of 2004-2005. With each illness she had been fully treated and had fully recovered.

A Stiff Neck and Visits to the Chiropractor
Around the beginning of February 2005, Rachel started to develop a stiff neck with accompanying headaches. Terece took Rachel to a chiropractor on February 14, who confirmed that Rachel's neck was indeed very out of place and that headaches were to be expected with her neck in the condition it was; the symptoms Rachel was experiencing from February 4 through March 2 were consistent with an out-of-place, or "convalescing" neck.

The chiropractor further explained the importance of gradually working Rachel's neck into place to prevent damaging anything and that it could be expected to take a few weeks to completely recover.

Rachel was seeing the chiropractor right up until the time she passed away in March. She did not have the other common flu-like symptoms of meningitis such as fever, vomiting, etc. in fact, she was carrying on with life quite remarkably for having a recuperating neck.

Recuperating from the Stiff Neck
On February 17, Rachel was playing with cousins, riding scooters and roller blading. On February 21, she rode horses with friends. On Sunday February 27, she attended church, took part in sharing time, and played with cousins outdoors.

Flu Symptoms Appear
Three days later, on Wednesday March 2, Rachel became ill with flu-like symptoms. By the next day, Thursday March 3, the flu-like symptoms were very much subsiding and she was improved. Friday morning Rachel was up and about the house, but still regaining energy. Rachel decided she wanted to play indoors but made it clear she didn't want to be "cooped up in her room."

Terece took measures to help Rachel get comfortable, which included drawing her a warm bath. After relaxing in the tub, Rachel was finally ready to rest a bit. Terece propped up pillows so Rachel could sit up in bed. Rachel climbed in and Terece tucked her in, gave her some drinks to sip on, and asked her to drink as much as she could and try to rest. Terece then went about getting some housework and computer work done.

Her Breathing Stopped
About 10-15 minutes later Terece checked in on Rachel, who had laid herself down and was resting. Relieved, Terece tip-toed out of the room so as not to disturb her. Five to ten minutes after that, Terece checked back in on Rachel and found that she was not breathing. Terece, a Registered Nurse, began CPR on Rachel and placed a call to 911.

The Ambulance and the Hospital
While en route to the hospital, the ambulance crew was able to establish a response from Rachel. But then, to everyone's surprise the ambulance's engine suddenly died.

Efforts were temporarily hampered as they transferred Rachel to another ambulance that happened to be coming up the road transporting another patient to the hospital. Springville ambulance flagged down the other ambulance and they transferred Rachel to this ambulance, which took her the rest of the way to the hospital. All resuscitation efforts at the hospital were futile.

Terece had treating Rachel according to what she thought she had—the flu. Did Rachel have a stiff neck and headache to accompany the flu-like symptoms on Mar. 4th? Yes. Did Terece see that as alarming due to the fact that they had been working with this stiff neck for the past few weeks? No. And unfortunately, meningitis didn't even cross Terece's mind until the ER doctor sat down with her and explained that her daughter had just died from it.

An autopsy confirmed the cause of death to be bacterial meningitis. Her mother, Terece, is now being charged with negligent homicide.

Utah County Health Director says meningitis often displays flu-like symptoms (see article).

The Prosecuting Attorney, Donna Kelly, says she is charging Terece because she wants Terece "to seek treatment", but has not said for what. Additionally, over a year later, Donna Kelly is now saying Rachel died of dehydration, an accusation for which there seems to be no substantiation.

Friends and neighbors of Terece and Dorian Bundy say they are model parents. They are actively involved in their community. Both Terece and Dorian hold responsible callings in their LDS ward.

What the Rachel Bundy story means for you

Every law abiding citizen—particularly parents and the media—should be alarmed and outraged at the ridiculous criminal charges brought against the Bundy family by lame duck Utah County Attorney Kay Bryson. If Bryson is successful, he will set a dangerous precedence for all Utah families in general—because what happened to the Bundys could happen to you.

Every year thousands of good families suffer the loss of a child to bacterial meningitis. It is a very rare illness that can potentially kill a child within hours of contracting it. However, it is very difficult for parents and even doctors to detect.

The Bundy’s knew nothing about meningitis before their nine-year-old daughter, Rachel died from it. She was riding her horse and playing outside with her friends—like any normal child—just two days before she passed. The illness is hard to diagnose because it has the symptoms of a common cold or flu and the only way to positively identify it is through a spinal tap.

Terece Bundy R.N. is being charged with negligent homicide—according to Bryson—because she didn’t get Rachel to the doctor in time. These charges are outrageous. Had she known anything about the symptoms of this rare illness, she would have immediately taken her to the hospital—this is evident by the fact that when her flu-like symptoms worsened, she called for an ambulance. Rachel died on the way to the hospital.

Bryson has fabricated a criminal case against the Bundy’s and misinformed the public by manipulating the truth. His tactics have been somewhat effective, because until now, the Bundy’s have grieved their family’s loss in private. However, the facts will speak for themselves and the truth will come out at trial. Unfortunately, it will be on our dime and the tax payer’s dime, but not on Kay Bryson’s dime.

While there may be differing methodological opinions, one question should come to mind: Do you remember the last time your child had a cold and you decided to treat it with little bit of rest and a bowl of chicken soup? According to Bryson, you may have committed a crime.

The Bundys in the media

You can get the media's version of Rachel's story by search for "Rachel Bundy" on Google News .

Other Meningitis Cases

Why aren't these parents being charged with the death of their children? Were they "medically treated"?

13 year old Davis County boy dies of bacterial meningitis WHILE being medically treated

16 year old student dies AFTER being treated for bacterial meningitis

Read more here:

Bacterial Meningitis Info

"No vaccine offers immunity against all types of meningitis"

Dr. Joseph Miner says meningitis has flu like symptoms

"Medication can prevent a carrier from spreading meningitis but do not stop symptoms from escalating in a person who has contracted it"